Best Practices for Knowledge Base Writing

Boost CX Now

Writing Great Support Content Is a Specific Skill

Once you learn it, you can create Knowledge Base articles that people will read willingly and use easily. You'll also avoid the drawbacks of poorly written articles: agent frustration, poor customer experience, and increased operational costs.

Join CX writing guru Leslie O'Flahavan (E-WRITE) and Sr. Technical Writer Clint Rodenfels as they show you how to write the best Knowledge Base articles possible, including best practices for titles, article structure, visuals, and article maintenance.

You'll be able to improve current and future articles by learning:

  • The actual dollar cost of bad Knowledge Base articles
  • 5 common mistakes KB writers make
  • How to write clear, helpful KB articles

As a bonus, you'll get a FREE copy of Leslie's latest eBook on Knowledge Management Writing Best Practices.


Clint Clint Rodenfels Senior Technical Writer

Leslie Leslie O'Flahavan E-WRITE Owner
