Create Exceptional CX with Salesforce and Knowledge Management

As the market-leading CRM, Salesforce is an excellent tool for organizations looking to create a seamless customer journey.

However, your organization may need a more agile and comprehensive solution when it comes to Knowledge Management. Although Salesforce can cover basic KM functionality, it quickly reaches its limits and cannot deliver the innovative, omnichannel customer service experiences that a mature KM solution can support.

Join USU Knowledge Management experts Jarrod Davis and Carmen Hermle on Tuesday, June 15 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT to get an overview of key customer service challenges in Salesforce and how purpose-built KM can overcome them.

You’ll see:

  • How to overcome the limitations of native Salesforce knowledge management features
  • How easily a professional KM solution can integrate with Salesforce and overcome these limitations
  • Real-life case studies and best practices from our customers who use Salesforce


Carmen Carmen Eppler Global Partner & Sales Manager
