Effortless SaaS Optimization - What you need to know

Control climbing SaaS costs and generate significant value for your organization

SaaS licenses help run your business, so why aren’t you managing them?

If you are like most organizations you are likely overpaying for software licenses - by a lot!

Learn from SAM veteran, Robbie Plourde, as he walks through real customer use cases on how to manage your SaaS spend with USU SaaS Optimization.

During this webinar we will cover:

  • What’s causing SaaS proliferation, complexity and overconsumption
  • How you can start managing a more complex tech landscape
  • Support the growth of your business, while controlling IT risk and SaaS spend
  • Insights into how you can manage all your SaaS products in one user interface.
  • How to generate significant value for your organization while  minimizing software compliance risks


Robbie Robbie Plourde Executive Sales Enablement Lead, USU
