Webinar: How to Better Manage Your Cloud Cost

Learn how to plan, control and optimize your Cloud Cost

Companies are seizing on the cloud as the key enabler to complete their digital transformation, and the COVID pandemic has further accelerated this mandate. Cloud is becoming a top C-Suite agenda item as businesses are transitioning from a piece-meal approach to a more holistic end-to-end digital transformation with cloud at its core. The winners of tomorrow will be the ones that navigate this change rapidly, make the right choices and engage with the appropriate partners to augment their own capabilities.

Why you should join:

  • This webinar is a great opportunity to save money in such a turbulent time when recession and layoffs are weighing on the economy and cloud spending.
  • Our cloud expert Robbie Plourde will show you how to plan, control and optimize your cloud journey to keep an eye on your cloud resources right from the start.
  • You will learn how to tackle cloud challenges with ease and learn best practices for your business.


Robbie Robbie Plourde Executive Sales Enablement Lead, USU
