Your Use Case. Your Requirements. USU Knowledge Management.

A perfect fit for your Customer Service use case

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The best solution adapts to your requirements, not the other way around

The best knowledge base solution adapts to your requirements. Not the other way around. With over 30 years of experience in knowledge management, we know that every company has individual requirements, processes, and ways of working. We believe that software must reflect these requirements.

USU Knowledge Management is consistently developed for use in service and adapts to your needs. This starts with the modular structure, where you only pay for what you need, and ends with the user interface, which is adapted to the needs of your employees. In this way, we bring the required knowledge to your individual process to the right extent and at the right time. Our web based knowledge base software brings together all of your information into one hub.

IT Knowledge Base Software Provides Successful Results

In using a top knowledge base software you can improve AHT (average handling time) and improve FCR (first contact resolution). 

In this white paper, we'll show you:

  • With our knowledge base management software, you not only get a user-friendly and scalable platform but also personalized features that meet your specific requirements
  • Customer examples of use-case-based interfaces
  • Which modules are right for your use cases